September 2019
The September issue of World Fertilizer covers a number of different topics, including Ammonium Nitrate, Nitric Acid, Separation Technology and Heat Exchangers. It also includes a keynote article on Environmental Compliance, as well as a regional report on India.
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World News
The State of Play in India
K. Ravichandran, Varun Gogia, Ravish Mehta and Swarup Raj Jena, ICRA, India, discuss the outlook for India’s fertilizer industry and the country’s involvement in global fertilizer markets.
Cleaning Up One’s Act
Gordon Cope, Contributing Editor, examines how a spate of new technologies promise to improve the fertilizer sector’s environmental report card.
Scrubbing Up Nicely
Ali Goudarzi, CECO Environmental, UAE, reveals how an ammonium nitrate producer maintained compliance with emissions regulations during a growth spurt.
Striking a Balance
Doug Azwell and Steven Ziebold, DuPont Clean Technologies, USA, explore the design choices and performance trade-offs to be considered between various ammonium nitrate prill tower scrubber systems.
A More Fluid Design
Toon Nieboer, Kreber, the Netherlands, explains how industry research projects and reassessments of prilling bucket technology are seeking the goal of a perfect prill.
Handle With Care
Ronald Peddie, Peddie Engineering, Australia, reviews methods for handling wastewater from explosives grade prill production.
Fertilizer Moisture Control
Christina M. Konecki, ArrMaz, recently acquired by Arkema, USA, reviews a range of coatings designed to reduce moisture absorption in granular fertilizers.
Giving Off Good Vibrations
Tountzer Ramadan, RHEWUM, Germany, explains how the choice of screening technology formed a key part of a new urea plant in the Middle East.
A Mist Opportunity
Victor H. Machida, Vitor A. Sturm, Eduardo H. R. A. de Almeida and Bruno B. Ferraro, Clark Solutions, Brazil, review options for reducing mist generated during phosphoric and sulfuric acid manufacturing.
The Importance of Gas Analysis
Andrew Chappell, Coda, UK, looks at how gas analysis technology can enhance safety and control product quality in the fertilizer production process.
A Strategic Partnership: Part One
Heinz Tischmacher, Tischmacher & Partner, Germany, delves into a project that aims to bring the fertilizer and cement industries together to tackle the issue of CO2 emissions.
A New Perspective
Peter Maas, Grandperspective GmbH, Germany, discusses an alternative method for monitoring and reacting to gas leaks.
Polishing Up Plant Performance
Dr. Nataliia Temnaya and Dr. Sergey Suvorkin, NIIK, Russia, explain how nitric acid plants in Russia have been modernised through improved performance parameters and installation of new process units.
Keeping It Cool
Dr. Jörg Weidenfeller, Arvos | Schmidt’sche Schack, Germany, outlines the importance of a robustly designed process gas cooler in ammonia plants.
Seal of Approval
Dene Halkyard, Flexitallic UK Ltd, UK, discusses gaskets used in shell and tube heat exchangers, and their efficiency in high temperature and pressure applications.
Transferable Knowledge
Dietmar Sohm, BERTSCHenergy, Austria, explains how power plant construction experience can be applied to apparatus engineering, particularly in the field of syngas.
Getting the Right Blend
Larry Taylor and Jeff Coon, Sackett-Waconia, USA, consider how fertilizer blending systems are evolving in response to changing attitudes towards fertilizer applications.
Simple Solutions
Tim Herbig and Mike Schmidt, Bluefield Process Safety, USA, consider a number of risk mitigation ‘hacks’ available to nitrogen products producers.
Realigning Process Safety
Angus Keddie, Process Safety Matters, UK, argues that the process safety goals of the organisation and the individual are sufficiently incoherent to merit attention, and suggests some ways to drive alignment.
This month we bring you 15 facts from India.
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