March 2019
The March issue of World Fertilizer covers a variety of different topics, including dust collection, water treatment, HTHA prediction and phosphate processing. It also features a regional report on the North American fertilizer industry and a thorough overview of the international fertilizer market.
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World News
A New Dawn
Gord Cope details how fertilizer companies in North America, after an extended down-cycle, are beginning to see the dawn of a new day.
A Global Phosphate Perspective
Sylvia Traganida, ICIS, UK, details the future of the international phosphate market.
A Good Drip
Mohamed Takhim, Marc Sonveaux, and Laurent Palierne, EcoPhos SA, Belgium, discuss the considerations facing the implantation of drip irrigation in supporting food demand in challenging land and water areas.
A Coatings Solution
Lucas R. Moore, ArrMaz, USA, discusses low-viscosity coating technology for phosphate-based fertilizers which addresses both dust and caking control.
The Growth of Granulation
Deborah Stetka and Robert Tinsley, Hatch, USA, discuss innovations in granulation methods and technology.
Phoenix Rising
Jan Kirchhof, Glatt Ingenieurtechnik, Germany, presents a recovery technology that releases phosphate from sewage sludge ashes and converts it into ready-to-use fertilizers.
Safety First
Paul Kowalski and Michael Nugent, E2G, USA, and Timothy Armitt, LINDT, UK, discuss advances in HTHA and FFS inspection and prediction for ammonia plants.
The Importance of Inspection
Jarad Heimer, Sudhakar Mahajanam, Cesar Espinoza, and Mark Poole, PinnacleART, US, provide a summary of progress made in high temperature hydrogen attack inspection methodologies.
Neutralising Acid Water
Harley Schreiber, Jeff Easton, WesTech Engineering Inc., USA, discuss HDS process technology for acidic water treatment applications.
Making the Switch
Mitch Mueller, Black & Veatch, and Melanie Blake, Koch Membrane Systems, USA, explain the importance of switching from drinking water to municipal tertiary wastewater for industrial plant makeup.
Focusing on Fertilizer Dust Filtration
Eduardo Sauto, Gorco, Spain, discusses the design and implementation of dust collection systems at fertilizer plants.
A French Connection
Giuseppe Mapelli, Bedeschi, Italy, describes the recent installation of a shiploader to handle fertilizer in northern France.
Avoiding Explosions
Jan-Bart Seymortier, Fike Europe, discusses the uses of dust collectors in powder handling processes.
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