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December 2017

The November/December issue of World Fertilizer includes a regional report on China, as well as a number of other features, including Corrosion Control, Improving Reformer Performance and Advances in Urea Technology.

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World News

Cultivating Capacity Growth Lynn Wang, Integer, China, explains how supply-side structural reform will promote capacity upgrades in the Chinese fertilizer industry.

A Bright Future Gordon Cope, World Fertilizer contributing editor, asks if relief is finally on the way for a stagnating fertilizer industry.

Trends in Urea Technology Serena Gabbiadini, Casale, Switzerland, presents some of the latest trends in urea technologies.

Cutting Back Emissions Benedict Jass, Harald Franzrahe and Martina Schmitz, thyssenkrupp, Germany, and Marilia Davidson, Kimre, USA, explain how to reduce emissions from urea plants.

Clever Combination Hans-Wilhelm Möllmann, Paul Bungartz GmbH Co KG, Germany, describes the opportunities that result from the intelligent combination of exceptional pump characteristics for conveying in the fertilizer industry.

Right for the Job Muriel Merchiers, GEMACo, Belgium, explains the importance of selecting the appropriate steel grade for specific fertilizer applications.

A Long-Awaited Improvement Stefan Ubben and Lothar Wallscheid, MAN Diesel & Turbo, Germany, present a new technology concept boosting efficiency for nitric acid compressor trains.

Beneath the Surface Miles Buckhurst, Jotun, Norway, looks at the issue of corrosion under insulation in the fertilizer industry.

Corrosive Complications Julie Holmquist, Cortec Corp., USA, considers the different phases of corrosion protection for fertilizer plants.

Don’t Forget Your Coat Micael Presa, Tubacex Innovation, Spain, outlines the advantages of applying advanced coatings to steel tubes in nitric acid production plants.

Efficiency Up, Emissions Down Matthew Viergutz, DuPont, USA, presents new ways to lower emissions and increase efficiency at sulfuric acid plants.

Shining a Light on Reformer Performance Matt Schroeder, Koch Fertilizer Beatrice, Jay Karan, Koch Fertilizer, and Greg Heilbrunn, Zolo Technologies, USA, explain how multiplexed laser-based monitoring and diagnostic systems can improve combustion efficiency and safety in primary reformers in ammonia plants.

Boosting Economy of Scale Merethe Hoffmann, Haldor Topsøe A/S, Denmark, presents a process that can increase single line capacity in ammonia production.

Improving Performance Sergio Di Vincenzo, Boldrocchi, Italy, explains how customised fan systems can improve reformer performance.

The Perfect Blend Gustaaf Zeeman, EMT, The Netherlands, outlines key considerations when developing and operating a fertilizer blending plant.

15 Facts This month we give you 15 facts on China.

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