FEPSAN endorses Nigeria’s ban on imports of NPK fertilizer blends
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
World Fertilizer,
FEPSAN has said it believes the move will go a long way in stemming the importation of poor quality NPK fertilizer blends, boost local capacity and protect the soil from toxic fertilizers imported by unscrupulous business people.
A statement signed by FEPSAN President, Thomas Etuh, said with the move alone, the Nigerian government was already on the verge of saving more than US$500 million a year in foreign exchange as well as thousands of jobs.
Etuh stressed that NPK Fertilizer blends from Nigeria are produced with specific soil composition in mind, a situation that, unlike most imported blends which destroy the soil, preserves and adds value to soil nutrients.
“Fertilizer blending plants in Nigeria are growing and have demonstrated capacity to produce exactly what Nigerian farmers need to enrich Nigerian soil for improved food production. We have demonstrated this and have attestations from farmers to support this claim and when I say we have the capacity, I mean we have such capacity in quantitative and qualitative terms,” he stated.
The FEPSAN President added that members of FEPSAN already have installed capacity at more than 20 blending plants spread across the country to produce up to 4 million t of high quality NPK fertilizer blends.
“We are aware that a lot more Nigerians are adopting agriculture as a business, especially in response to the Federal Government’s drive for food security. FEPSAN, in heeding the patriotic call for food security has placed itself in a position to ensure Nigerian farmers have all the best quality fertilizer the need. This also places us in a strong position to export to other countries in West and Central Africa, especially since we have capacity to produce more than what Nigerian farmers will need in the foreseeable future,” Etuh added.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldfertilizer.com/special-reports/26112018/fepsan-endorses-nigerias-ban-on-imports-of-npk-fertilizer-blends/
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