WTO court rules Ukraine anti-dumping duties on ammonium nitrate violated organisation's rules
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
World Fertilizer,
The appeals body upheld a WTO panel judgment from July 2018 against Ukraine’s duties on ammonium nitrate. Dumping means selling at excessively low prices.
Russia lodged the case in May 2015, saying that Ukraine had been wrong not to use reported gas prices of Russian producers in determining the appropriate price for ammonium nitrate.
The panel also upheld Russia’s claim that Ukrainian authorities should have excluded privately held Swiss-based producer EuroChem – owned by Russian businessman Andrei Melnichenko – because its alleged dumping was minimal.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldfertilizer.com/special-reports/13092019/wto-court-rules-ukraine-anti-dumping-duties-on-ammonium-nitrate-violated-organisations-rules/
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