Peter Löscher re-elected as chairman of Sulzer’s board of directors
Published by John Williams,
Editorial Assistant
World Fertilizer,
473 shareholders attended the 105th annual general meeting, representing 74.0% of the share capital.
Peter Löscher, chairman of the board of directors, said: “Today we can look back on a year in which we have worked very successfully. A year that also presented us with an extraordinary challenge in the form of US sanctions. Thanks to the quick and decisive reaction of all those involved, we were able to overcome this crisis very fast and ended the year with results that were in line with, or even better than, our forecasts.”
CEO Greg Poux-Guillaume added: “Our early indicators do not show signs of an impending economic slowdown in our major markets. We therefore expect to continue our trend of organic growth and improved profitability in 2019.”
The shareholders approved the Sulzer annual report 2018, including the annual accounts and consolidated financial statements, as well as the appropriation of net profits. In addition, the shareholders approved Sulzer’s compensation report in a consultative vote. An ordinary dividend of CHF 3.50/share will be paid out. The ex-dividend date will be 5 April 2019. Discharge was granted to all members of the board of directors and the executive committee. KPMG were reelected for a one-year term as auditors. proxy voting services was elected for a one year term as the independent proxy.
Peter Löscher was reelected as member and chairman of the board of directors for a one year term. The shareholders re-elected Matthias Bichsel, Lukas Braunschweiler, Mikhail Lifshitz, Marco Musetti, Gerhard Roiss and Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerg Sørensen as members of the board of directors for another one year term of office.
The shareholders elected Marco Musetti, Gerhard Roiss and Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerg Sørensen and as members of the nomination and remuneration committee, all for a one year term of office.
After the annual general meeting, the board of directors elected Matthias Bichsel as its vice chairman and defined the new composition of all committees:
- Nomination and remuneration committee: Gerhard Roiss (chairman), Marco Musetti, Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerg Sørensen
- Strategy committee: Peter Löscher (chairman), Matthias Bichsel, Mikhail Lifshitz, Lukas Braunschweiler
- Audit committee: Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerg Sørensen (chairwoman), Gerhard Roiss, Marco Musetti
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