Petrobras to resume operations at a fertilizer plant in Paraná
Published by Jack Roscoe,
Editorial Assistant
World Fertilizer,
Petrobras CEO, Jean Paul Prates, has announced the studies for the resumption of production of fertilizers at Araucária Nitrogenados (ANSA), a subsidiary of Petrobrás, is in its final stages.
After completion of the technical and financial feasibility studies, the matter must also be appreciated by the Executive Board and the Board of Directors of the company. The plant has been deactivated since 2020 and, after receiving investments and adaptations to meet the regulatory standards, it could start operating again in the first half of 2024.
According to the CEO, Jean Paul Prates, the fertilizer industry has strategic importance for Petrobrás and the country: “Brazil is a major producer of agricultural commodities, but it depends on foreign fertilizers. This market has been facing many challenges around the world. Petrobrás is interested in investing in the reactivation of ANSA due to the unit’s synergy with Repar. In addition to reducing the country’s dependence on foreign imports, with this operation we will generate jobs and income”.
ANSA has the capacity to process around 1900 tons of urea per day and 1300 tons of ammonia per day, used in the production of agricultural fertilizers, in addition to other industries. The raw material used in this unit is asphalt residue, which can be obtained from the Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery (Repar), also located in the city of Araucária.
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