Aguia releases update on community activities surrounding phosphate project
Published by David Rowlands,
World Fertilizer,
Over the last six months, Aguia claims that it has broadened its communication programme, and hosted numerous events to explain project plans to the local community and to present itself as a good ‘corporate neighbour’. The programme has included a number of workshops with members of the local community, sponsoring cultural events in Lavras do Sul and at the State Capital Porto Alegre, and giving presentations of the project at conferences.
Since Aguia’s Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was filed with the State Environmental Agency (FEPAM) in October 2016, engineering optimisations identified from trade-off studies have led to numerous project modifications and improvements, ultimately leading to a revised version of the EIA being filed in September 2017. FEPAM is currently reviewing this EIA, and Aguia expects to receive the agency’s technical evaluation in the next few months. The agency’s technical staff have carried out one site visit so far, with a second visit currently being arranged. Once the agency is satisfied with the technical content of the EIA, public hearings will be organised with the local communities.
Technical Director, Fernando Tallarico, said: “Environmental permitting has become a very detailed and technically sophisticated process. We are happy with progress so far and with the high technical standards that our team has delivered. We plan to intensify community activities as we approach the public hearings, which will be an important component for granting of the Preliminary License.”
Managing Director, Justin Reid, added: “The approval of the EIA will result in the issuance of the Preliminary License, a key milestone in the development of a mining project in Brazil. Our EIA was prepared by respected environmental consultants Golder & Associates who conducted a rigorous evaluation. Filing a revised EIA last September has extended the evaluation timeline, but we believe the modifications are well worth it as the optimisations have substantially reduced the project’s environmental footprint. It is critical that Aguia establishes itself as a valued member of the local community and our team has done a great job so far on outreach and education. We intend on being a committed member of the Lavras do Sul community and economy for many years to come.”
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