Lake Way project over 90% procured
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
World Fertilizer,
The Lake Way Project is now over 90% procured with all key vendor contracts executed. There are no known impacts to schedule from Covid-19.
The largest procurement package, the process plant crystalliser, commenced transit to Australia at the end of June and is expected to arrive at Fremantle Port in late July, weeks ahead of schedule.
Other major plant components, including centrifuges, attritioners, floatation cells, sizing screens, thickeners, rotary drier (pictured), impact crushers, lump breakers and conveyer belts, have all been ordered.
Over the coming weeks structural steel will start being erected onsite and a number of key plant components will arrive.
The project remains on track for first SOP sales in the March 2021 quarter.
Tony Swiericzuk, CEO, said: “During the June quarter our procurement and engineering teams have been busy finalising contracts with suppliers and completing detailed engineering of the plant and non process infrastructure. So far we have seen no impact to the project schedule from Covid-19 as we push towards first production in the March quarter of next year.”
Image shows rotary dryer on factory floor in Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA. Courtesy of Salt Lake Potash.
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