Kalium Lakes on course for first SOP production in September 2021
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
World Fertilizer,
More than 113 000 t of contained SOP had been pumped as at end July 2021. More than 90 000 t of potassium salt that meets the plant feed cut-off grade has been harvested and delivered to the ROM stockpile. Harvesting operations and potassium salt stockpiling are ongoing, with several other ponds ready and available for harvest. The potassium salt, both harvested and ready for harvest, accounts for approximately the first six months of SOP production during the ramp-up period.
The majority of areas of the SOP purification plant are now at or near the dry commissioning stage, with the bulk of the remaining works associated with insulation, electrical, instrumentation and controls. Construction of the granular SOP production facilities and storage shed continues according to plan.
Rudolph van Niekerk, CEO, said: “I am delighted that our forethought, careful planning and well executed production readiness strategy is delivering results. Having installed a robust network of brine supply and evaporation ponds, we continue to reap the bounty of large volumes of potassium salts above the plant feed cut-off grade, which are harvested and delivered to the ROM pad. With this ample supply of potassium salts, we have expanded our stockpile area and will soon be ready to move from commissioning to production.
“The operations team at the Beyondie SOP project is working closely with the projects team through each of the separate commissioning stages of the SOP purification plant. We are entering the final phase of the project and, with several areas of the plant ready for water commissioning, there are only a couple of months to go before commencement of SOP production.”
Read the article online at: https://www.worldfertilizer.com/project-news/04082021/kalium-lakes-on-course-for-first-sop-production-in-september-2021/
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