IHO-Agro confirms 42% sugar cane yield increase
Published by Angharad Lock,
Digital Assistant Editor
World Fertilizer,
IHO-Agro International Inc. has received further and recent testing results on its product.
IHO-Agro commissioned independent tests and studies of it IHO-Bio product on sugar cane. These tests were conducted in the La Estrella Azucarera. S.A (CALESA) area of Panama during 4Q16 and 1Q17. Several large plot areas where used in the testing. The conclusion of the tests were a significant increase in production and yield of up to 42%.
Mr. Hossu, President and CEO of IHO-Agro, commented: “The results of the testing on sugar cane in Panama are significant. Our product continues to perform very well. IHO-Bio is formulated from various minerals. It is a natural supplement with more than 70 elements in a solution of high concentration whose results have been validated in scientific investigations. It allows the increase of the productivity, obtaining high yields, greater germination and growth in the crops as well as increase of the leaf area, of the size of the fruit among other desirable qualities. IHO-BIO can be used as a fertilization supplement because it is an excellent catalyst to increase the productivity of plantations in a significant way”.
IHO-Agro has shared the sugar cane test results with major fertilizer distributors who have as established clients some of the largest sugar cane growers in the USA and Brazil. IHO-Agro anticipates orders of its product throughout 2017.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldfertilizer.com/product-news/13042017/iho-agro-confirms-42-sugar-cane-yield-increase/
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