New AgLime Quality Standard launched to certify lime quality
Published by David Rowlands,
World Fertilizer,
ALA says that this standard is independent and voluntary, and is the first assurance benchmark within the UK fertilizer industry for agricultural lime products. It is an industry-led initiative that requires all participating lime producers to carry out yearly tests to check that they are compliant with UK national or EU regulatory standards.
ALA says that the standard includes tests to measure reactivity, neutralising value, fineness, as well as calcium and magnesium content. Reactivity – a new efficacy factor in the UK – measures the balance of neutralising value and fineness, providing guidance on a product’s speed of reaction.
Maximising either mineral or organic nutrient efficiency in a balanced soil environment is key to optimising yield potential. AQS accreditation demonstrates that the lime in question has been independently verified as meeting a recognised standard.
Registered producers with certified products will be granted permission to use the AQS certified product logo for the specific site, product and materials that have qualified. In addition to this, a certificate specific to the producer, site or product with a one-year-validity will be issued by the mineral products association (MPA).
Furthermore the ‘producers’ database on the new app will feature the AQS logo adjacent to certified producers when it is released.
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