Western Resources Corp. to extend the mine life of Potash Phase 1 Project to 40 years
Published by Emily Thomas,
Deputy Editor
World Fertilizer,
Western Resources Corp. has announced that it has received approval of the Ministry of Environment to extend the mine life of the Milestone Potash Phase 1 Project to 40 years.
The project is designed as a selective solution mine which, in contrast with traditional potash mining and solution mining, is expected not to produce salt tailings on surface, thereby substantially reducing the environmental impact. The construction of the project was kicked off in June 2019 with an anticipated production 146 000 tpy and mine life of 12 years. As the project progressed, Western applied for an extension of the mine life to 40 years, as resource reviews supported this change.
The Ministerial Approval was given after the Ministry of Environment reviewed the change proposals from Western, and concluded that they will not result in any significant, additional environmental impacts. The Ministry was satisfied that the requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act had been met. The Ministerial Change Approval took effect on 17 February 2023.
Western CEO and President, Mr. Bill Xue, said, “The Ministerial Approval supports the project’s long-term goal of being a sustainable supplier of potash. I have no doubt that the approval will bring to our shareholders and investors more confidence in the potentials of this innovative project. I am excited that the construction of the phase 1 project will be completed in May this year, followed by commissioning. I have confidence that our team will be able to achieve first production by the end of this year.”
Read the article online at: https://www.worldfertilizer.com/potash/14032023/western-resources-corp-to-extend-the-mine-life-of-potash-phase-1-project-to-40-years/
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