Reward Minerals applies for large acreage of new tenements in the Officer Basin
Published by John Williams,
Editorial Assistant
World Fertilizer,
Reward Minerals Ltd. has advised that it has applied for 5521 km2 of exploration licences in the Officer Basin to the east of its Lake Disappointment Project.
The company also has exclusive rights to an additional 3075 km2 of exploration licences which are contiguous to its applications. Combined, these tenements make up a substantial land package in an area previously unexplored for buried Potash deposits.
The officer basin is one of a number of evaporite basins found in Western Australia that have historically been explored for oil and gas. Other basins in Western Australia, such as the Canning Basin, have also previously been explored potash however there has been no concerted effort to explore for potash in the Officer Basin.
Based on its research and interpretation Reward has concluded that the western part of the Officer Basin is highly prospective for hosting pulfate of potash (SOP) deposits at relatively shallow depths, which is the company’s prime target.
Reward’s conclusion is based on the rationale that the brine hosted SOP deposits (such as Lake Disappointment, Lake Dora, Lake Auld, etc. which are all relatively high in Potassium and Sulfate and hence amenable to SOP production) that have been defined in multiple Palaeovalleys and Playas in central Western Australia are derived from the erosion of near surface Browne Formation evaporites. These evaporites are found in the Gibson Area (formerly Sub-basin) of the western Officer Basin.
The licence applications are currently being processed through department of mines, industry regulation and safety and native title discussions for access are underway. The grant of these tenements is expected to be around mid-2019 with field activities planned to commence immediately thereafter. A programme of core holes to depths of 400 to 500 m has been designed for completion during the 2019 field season to test the Gibson Area for shallow buried SOP mineralisation.
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