ABR confirms product branding strategy
Published by Jessica Casey,
World Fertilizer,
- Product branding strategy workstream completed.
- Four key products, with two overarching brands:
- Ameri-Bor, Ameri-SOP, Ameri-SOP+B and Ameri-G.
- Cady-Bor, Cady-SOP, Cady-SOP+B and Cady-B.
- Work commenced on digital presence and positioning of brands in targeted US markets.
Product Branding Strategy
American Pacific Borates Ltd (ABR) has progressed its market entry strategy with the confirmation of the product brand concepts. The company intends to produce boric acid (H3BO3), sulfate of potash (SOP - K2SO4), boron enriched sulfate of potash (SOP+B), and gypsum at its Fort Cady Borate Mine, targeting first production in 3Q21.
The University of Connecticut is finalising crop trials using the company’s boron-enriched SOP (potassium, sulfur and boron) fertiliser. Results from the trial are anticipated shortly, which is likely to demonstrate that ABR’s SOP boron blend fertilizer will outperform crops grown using standard SOP alone. The growth and yield outcomes should provide the company with a significant competitive advantage in the US market that will justify a premium price for the speciality fertilizer.
Establishment of the US sales and marketing business
ABR is proposing to sell its premium speciality fertilizer products through its newly created sales and marketing company, Fort Cady. This business will be focused on developing premium speciality fertilizer products aimed at the American agricultural market. A website and associated marketing channels will be launched early in 4Q20.
Under the Fort Cady business, an initial line has been developed to create brand identities for each product. Each has been specifically tailored to align with its intended customer market and to reflect its unique qualities.
Sales and marketing activities
Work is underway on engagement activities with potential customers across the American agricultural segment, with particular focus on California, which is one of the largest agricultural markets in the world.
ABR CEO and Managing Director, Michael Schlumpberger, commented: “I am excited to see the tangible output of our product branding work and the establishment of our US sales and marketing business for our potential customers to begin to consider. The company is quickly transitioning from developer to producer with our goal in sight to become a globally significant producer of specialty fertilizers.
“The company continues to receive positive results from our boron-enriched SOP fertilizer crop trials that will ultimately feed into our product value proposition. We believe our boron-enriched fertiliser will transform the US agricultural market.”
Read the article online at: https://www.worldfertilizer.com/phosphates/24092020/abr-confirms-product-branding-strategy/
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