First Phosphate confirms high-grade phosphate assays at Bégin-Lamarche project
Published by Emily Thomas,
Deputy Editor
World Fertilizer,
First Phosphate Corp. has reported that it has received remaining phosphate assay results for its Bégin-Lamarche project located in the region of Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, Quebec. Highlights of the most recent surface sampling include:
Multiple high-grade surface grab samples of up to 18.96% P2O5 (phosphate) and 6.81% TiO2 (titanium).
Current results from Target 1 contain rich and thick layers of phosphate rock that extend within the original strike zone. 70 surface sample results confirm the high-grade nature of the phosphate discovery with 30% of assays grading over 10% P2O5.
Together with earlier surface sampling and magnetic surveying, a strike zone of 2.5 km by 400 m containing rich phosphate rock layers can be delineated within the Target 1 sector.
A new discovery was made on Target 3 where the results of 38 grab samples in a 30 – 60 m wide nelsonite produced multiple phosphate assays of over 10% P2O5. This target is located approximately 3000 m to the south of Target 1. Magnetic surveying shows that Target 1 and Target 3 might be aligned and form part of an even further extended strike zone.
Sampling reveals another high-grade phosphate area on Target 8 (Larouche) with up to 20.52% P2O5 and 9.10% TiO2. 6 of the 19 surface grab samples taken at Target 8 revealed assay results of over 10% P2O5.
Analysis of 43 trace elements, including U, Th, REE, As and Cd indicates very low concentrations of potentially deleterious elements.
Promising drill targets have been identified for the upcoming drill programme.
"Extended analysis of the Begin-Lamarche property continues to reveal some of the highest-grade phosphate samples ever produced in the Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean region of Quebec," explained First Phosphate President Peter Kent.
"Igneous anorthosite comprises only about 1% of total global phosphate reserves. These deposits have the potential to be highly desirable for the production of LFP battery material because they are devoid of high concentrations of deleterious elements."
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