NWPC to transfer RUB95 million to Kirovsk budget
Published by John Williams,
Editorial Assistant
World Fertilizer,
North-Western Phosphorous Company and the Kirovsk city administration signed a social and economic partnership agreement for 2019.
The agreement is aimed at maintaining and developing social and municipal infrastructure in the region. In 2019, NWPC will transfer RUB105 million to the Kirovsk budget, of which RUB44.8 million will be spent on projects by the city’s urban management department to repair and maintain roads, make public improvements, and pay the transportation costs of students.
RUB50 million of the funding will be allocated to promote education, culture and sports, of which RUB25.8 million will go to support the cultural centre, kindergarten and arts school in Koashva settlement.
Another RUB1 million will be used to finance and maintain Kirovsk municipal institutions, including developing of design documentation to make school No. 10 accessible to those with limited mobility and renovating street lighting.
North-Western Phosphorous Company signs a partnership agreement with Kirovsk each year. Over past twelve years, its contributions to the city budget have totalled approximately RUB600 million.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldfertilizer.com/phosphates/04062019/nwpc-to-transfer-rub95-million-to-kirovsk-budget/
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