Petrobras leases fertilizer plants to Proquigel Química
Published by Nicholas Woodroof,
World Fertilizer,
In addition to the factories, the leasing includes the maritime terminals of ammonium and urea in Aratu harbour, in Bahia. The transaction involves R$177 million and follows the procedures set in Federal Law 13.303/2016 (State Companies Law) and the Petrobras Public Contracts and Purchases Rules.
According to Petrobras Refinement and Natural Gas director, Anelise Lara, the leasing of the units will allow the fertilizer factories, which were inactive, to return to operation, generating employment and bringing investments to the states of Bahia and Sergipe. "Our strategic planning concentrates investments in Brazil's gas and oil production. By focusing in the company's main activities, we are also opening space for new companies to arise and begin investing in new areas. This will bring benefits both to Bahia and Sergipe, as it will open new perspectives for the local economies. The expectation is that everyone will profit from the business", Anelise explained.
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