UFU back fertilizer tariff removal campaign
Published by Angharad Lock,
Digital Assistant Editor
World Fertilizer,
With fertilizer prices still high, the Ulster Farmers’ Union has backed a campaign to persuade the European Commission that in a harshly competitive global market there is no need for it to maintain tariffs against imports.
These were introduced to protect European fertilizer producers, but the European farm lobby organisation COPA, of which the UFU is a member, says these duties are now damaging farm businesses and protecting a fertilizer industry large enough to withstand competition from imports. This campaign in COPA has been driven by the Irish Farmers Association, and since it initiated the UFU has backed the IFA’s position.
Suspending tariffs on imported fertilizer would have an immediate impact on prices. This reduction could be as much as five per cent, and that would translate into additional income of around £800 million for European farm businesses. The UFU has supported COPA in intensifying its campaign to secure a change of stance in Brussels, on grounds that farmers need an income boost more than already successful and prosperous European fertilizer businesses.
Read the article online at: https://www.worldfertilizer.com/nitrogen/20022017/ufu-back-fertilizer-tariff-removal-campaign/
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