TFI statement on US election
Published by Angharad Lock,
Digital Assistant Editor
World Fertilizer,
The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) President, Chris Jahn, issued the following statement on the results of the 2016 elections:
“TFI congratulates President-elect Donald Trump and all the candidates who won their elections to the US Senate and House of Representatives. It is my sincere hope that the conclusion of the election will allow Congress and the new administration to hit the “reset” button, put aside past differences and work toward a common good. Collaboration, cooperation and a sense of service to the public will be necessary for all our elected officials in the days to come. We are the United States of America, and it is now time to show unity by coming together to face challenges on the domestic and international fronts.
The US fertilizer industry drives US$162 billion in annual economic activity – and is active in virtually every state in the country. Our 84 000 employees work year-round to provide farmers with the tools and information they need to grow crops with maximum concern for the environment. We will continue to advocate for policies that support this activity.
TFI and its members are ready help the new administration and the next Congress grow our economy, create jobs, and preserve our earth’s precious resources. Our industry is wholeheartedly committed to sustainable operations throughout the supply chain – and with that, continuous improvement on environmental and economic performance. We hope that future regulatory discussions take this into consideration.”
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