Chemoproject Nitrogen a.s. changes name to Casale Project a.s.
Published by Harleigh Hobbs,
World Fertilizer,
Swiss-based Casale Holding SA, the owner of Casale SA, has announced that Chemoproject Nitrogen a.s., a leading Czech engineering company (active in base chemicals and fertilizers industry), whose control was acquired in July 2014, has officially changed its name to Casale Project a.s. and it is now fully owned by Casale Holding.
According to Casale, the rebranding strengthens the two companies which, since the acquisition in 2014, have been realigning their organisations and underlines their common drive towards achieving a greater scale, as a combined entity with a shared vision, in view of delivering a better and wider service to customers.
Customers, vendors and partners will find no change in the quality of products or services offered, obtaining information on products or services, or conducting business with both companies.
“This name change better reflects the common future direction of Casale and Casale Project” said Giuseppe Guarino, CEO of Casale SA, Vice Chairman of Casale Holding and Chairman and Statutory Director of Casale Project a.s. “in which Casale’s well-known technological leadership will blend seamlessly with the capabilities of Casale Project in project execution allowing both companies to provide their customers with a full range of services required to successfully implement projects, including turn-key execution, for new units construction and large revamp of existing plants as well.”
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