October 2018
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World News
Turning the Tables
Gordon Cope provides a detailed overview of the transformation of China’s fertilizer sector.
Future-Proofing Fertilizer
Chantal Spies, Joey Dobrée and Harold van der Zande, Stamicarbon, the Netherlands, look at a number of value-adding applications.
Something in the Air
Marilia Davidson, Kimre Inc., USA, explains why mist eliminators should not be overlooked, but be seen as a key part of any fertilizer facility.
A Matter of Mist
Graeme Cousland, Begg Cousland, UK, discusses the importance of appropriate mist elimination solutions for sulfuric acid plant operations.
Sulfur Melting and Purification Considerations
Jan Hermans, Sulphurnet, the Netherlands, discusses the importance of having good operating procedures and using improved equipment in sulfur melting and purification plants.
A Fine Balance
D. J. F. Drabble and C. W. Thomas, Quest Integrity, New Zealand, present a method that provides good information regarding the balance of reliability and production in the primary steam reformer.
Improving Particle Characterisation
Kai Dueffels, Retsch Technology, provides five reasons for the implementation of dynamic image analysis for the particle size and shape analysis of fertilizers.
Healthy Soil Healthy Plant
Jake Straub, Innova, USA, explains why ensuring that soil is biologically diverse and well managed is important for crop health and growth.
Dust Control Coating Considerations
Lucas R. Moore, ArrMaz, USA, discusses the key criteria to consider when evaluating fertilizer dust control coatings.
Seal it to Believe it
Alex Lattimer, Flexitallic, UK, discusses the implications of choosing the right gasket sealing material in fertilizer production processes.
Pulling the Plug on Efficiency
Ron de Rijk, Curtiss-Wright EST Group, USA, presents a safe repair solution for critical-use heat exchangers.
Developing Leak Detection
Hamish Adam, Boreal Laser, details the benefits of laser gas detectors for the detection of ammonia leaks.
This month we give you 15 facts on China.
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