Importance of 4R nutrient stewardship recognised in Senate’s farm bill
Published by David Rowlands,
World Fertilizer,
The President of TFI, Chris Jahn, speaking at the group’s annual 4R Nutrient Summit in Des Moines, Iowa, US, said: “Ensuring that American farmers are able to continue to produce healthy, abundant and affordable food supplies in a profitable and sustainable manner is a big part of TFI’s mission.
“Provisions included in the conservation and research titles of the Senate Farm Bill recognise the importance of that mission through support of 4R nutrient management planning and 4R-based research.”
The 4Rs are a science-based framework aimed at increasing production and farmer profitability, whilst simultaneously protecting the environment.
Jahn added: “TFI is leading a large scale effort to encourage the widespread adoption of 4R practices, where farmers choose the right source of fertilizer, applied at the right rate, at the right time and in the right place.
“Utilising the 4Rs can have a significant impact on improving water quality and farmer profitability.
“We are extremely pleased to have language supporting nutrient stewardship in both the House and Senate Farm Bills and we look forward to working with leaders in both chambers to get a bill to the President’s desk before September 30.”
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